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How To Find a Criminal Lawyer in Ste Genevieve

Sainte Genevieve Mo usually abbreviated as Ste Genevieve is a city located in the state of Missouri in the United States of America. The city has a number of renowned criminal defense attorneys with significant experience to help you solve your legal issues. In general, a criminal defense attorney is an attorney that represents you in a court of law when you have been arrested and charged with a crime.

The attorney will help you navigate the criminal courts so you don’t have to do it on your own. If you do not hire a private criminal defense attorney, the court will appoint you a public defender, which is paid for by the state.  You may also need a Ste Genevieve Bail Bondsman to assist you in posting bail.

Often times you will get better service with a private attorney than you will a public defender.

The defense attorney will let you know all the options available to you and help you bring your criminal case to a close the best way possible.
They will advise you on options such as pleading guilty, pleading not guilty, having a jury trial or a bench trial, or they might even be successful in getting your case dismissed.

Below are some attorneys in the Ste Genevieve area that you can contact if you have been arrested.

Jacquelyn Suzanne Gonz
Jacquelyn is an attorney with over 25 yers of experience in criminal law. She runs a law firm, Jacquelyn S. Gonz, Attorney at Law LLC, with an office in St Genevieve. The following is her contact information:
Address: 705 Sainte Genevieve Drive
Phone 573-303-3015
Fax 573-303-5354

Breeze, Elpers and Nguyen
This firm has vast ranging experience of more than 14 years dealing with matters relating to criminal law. You can contact the attorney the following ways:
Address: 748 N Center Drive
Ste Genevieve, MO 63670,
Phone 573-883-5000

Murphy PC Renee Attorney at law
This firm specailizes in adult abuse, drug charges, DWI's, traffic tickets, felonies and misdemeanors
address: 720 Market St Saint Geneieve, MO 63670
Phone: 573-883-9997

Rosener Law Firm
address: 21804 hwy 32 Ste Genevieve, MO 63670
Phone: 573-883-8900

If you find yourself on the wrong side of the law in Ste Genevieve Mo you will be glad you contacted a criminal lawyer.